Thursday, December 16, 2021

December 16

 Hello Families,

We had a great Ugly Holiday Sweater Day! We had some hilarious sweaters and even created some ugly holiday sweaters as well. 

Today we did our first TED ED as a class. There was so many rich mathematical conversations. This is a great activity to do as a small group or individually. Below is the link if you would like to try it out with us! Make sure you have paper and a writing utensil ready! 

We finished up a Borax Crystal Lab. Thank you all for your glass jar donations. For this we talked about different states of matter , how they change states, and how particles act when they are heated or cooled.


As of yesterday, we have raised $75.25 to donate to #TEAMSEAS. We will be heading to the bottle depot for our final time this evening. Thank you all for your refundable donations over the past month.

Tomorrow is PJ Day!

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Important Dates

 Hello everyone,

Dec 16 - Ugly Sweater Day and last day to bring refundables

Dec 17 - Pj Day

3 more days!!!

Room 16

Friday, December 10, 2021

December 10th

 Hello Families,

We have a super week in Room 16!

The bread and butter making was a huge success! We learnt so much about chemical and physical changes and found out they both can be VERY tasty. It was a big hit!

We have started working on our recyclers and chemistry concept comic strips. They are turning out very well! There are a lot of great plans to share what we know about chemistry and recycling. We worked together today on creating success criteria and a rubric for our comics. 

In math, we are working on representing our unknown number with a variable, then taking what we know and applying it to solve the problem. We have worked on representing this with both word problems and equations. 

Important Dates:

December 13-16 - Grade 4/5 Refundable Drive

December 16 Ugly Sweater Day 

December 17 PJ Day 

December 20-Jan 3- Winter Break 

Champions of Move-ember!!!

WOOHOO! Everyone in Room 16 was committed to moving their bodies for the month of November! It is great to see how active our students at LBS are and learn about all of their activities outside of school. 

Hello Families, 


Thank you so much to everyone who participated by tracking their movement minutes in Move-ember! The active living committee is happy to announce the winning class is ROOM 16!!!!


Way to go to all the students’ in Ms. Carroll’s class who earned 27, 729 minutes in November!


The list of honorable mentions includes:

Room 10 with 19, 321 minutes

Room 17 with 17, 751 minutes

Room 13 with 15 440 minutes


Lake Bonavista School earned a grand total of 153, 782 movement minutes in the month of November, this is equivalent to 2, 563 hours or 106.8 days spent moving. Outstanding work LBS! Do your best to keep the movement up all through December and stay tuned for new challenges in 2022!


Wishing everyone a wonderful holiday season!


From the Active Living Committee

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

December 7

 Hello Families,

In science we have been doing chemistry. We have done an experiment to that tested the solubility of different materials. You can ask us about the solubility of materials around the house and the difference is between soluble and insoluble.

In writing, we have been learning about comic strip elements. We are very excited about making our own comic strips we have also been working on creating characters out of simple shapes. 

We have created Kindness Bingo, where students can add their acts of kindness to fill up our bingo sheet. 

We are still in need of a few more mason jars. If you have any to send that would be amazing!!!

Important Dates:

December 16 Ugly Sweater Day 

December 17 PJ Day 

December 20-Jan 3- Winter Break 

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Holiday Character Day - Dec 2nd

Hello again,

Reminder that tomorrow is Holiday Character Day!

Tea Thursday and Glass Jars

Hi Families,

I will be renewing my First Aid and CPR on Friday and will have a a guest teacher here on Friday. With that being said, Tea Friday will be moved to Tea Thursday this week, so I will be here.

In addition, we have started our chemistry unit and need clear glass jars for an experiment coming up. If you can send in any clear glass jars, medium - large in size that would be much appreciate it. 

Thank you!

Room 16

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Movement Minutes

Hello Families, 

As November is officially over, please have our child add up their movement minutes and bring their Movember Journals to school this week!

Thank you!

Room 16

Monday, November 29, 2021

Google Classroom

 Hi Families,

It was great being able to connect with all of you during conferences! 

A lot of families were asking where to find additional practice for math, reading, and writing. This is just a reminder that Google Classroom has addition practice questions, tasks, as well as websites and additional resources.  

If you child is missing school for any reason and you're looking for extra work you can use the work on the Google Classroom as well, as it aligns with what we are working on in the classroom. 

Your child can login in with their educbe email accounts. 


Ms. Carroll

Google Classroom Login

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Virtual Book Fair

 Dear families,

The Virtual Book Fair ends on Sunday, November 28th

Experience the joy of a Book Fair online by joining us at our Virtual Family Event! Click the link below:

Remember, all purchases benefit our school and earn Rewards that can be redeemed for books and Education Resources for our school’s classrooms and library.

Thank you for participating in our Scholastic Virtual Book Fair!

Happy reading! 

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Time to Shop!

 Dear families,

It’s here! Our school’s Scholastic Virtual Book Fair has begun! Our very own shopping site will be open from Monday, November 22nd – Sunday, November 28th

Experience the joy of a Book Fair online by joining us at our Virtual Family Event! Make your favourite snacks, and come together as a family to view the fun, exciting and inspiring titles by clicking the link below:

Share this link with Grandparents, too! Extended family can participate in the Virtual Book Fair from the comfort of home.

Remember, all purchases benefit our school and earn Rewards that can be redeemed for books and Education Resources for our school’s classrooms and library.

Thank you for participating in our

Scholastic Virtual Book Fair!

Happy reading! 

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Refundables NEEDED

 Hello Families, 

Students have been asked to bring refundable materials to school tomorrow for a class activity. Please send cleaned/rinsed out school appropriate refundables. I have linked a bottle depot guide to help know what to send. The more the better.

Refundable Guide


Room 16

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

November 10th

 Hello Families,

The Jackdaw project were a huge success. It was amazing to all the work our class put into this! The artifacts were so cool and it was a great way to show our learning. Below are some of the Jackdaw projects.

In math, we have wrapped up graphing and will be moving onto patterning next week. Students did amazing job using success criteria and exemplars to great bar graphs, pictographs, and double bar graphs to display their data. 

In science, we are continuing are exploration into waste in our world. We watch a very inspiring video which had the whole grade 4/5 cohort inspired to create and initiative to fundraise money to help reduce the amount of waste in our oceans Students came up with the initiative to bring back the refundable program at LBS. We will start slowly by just working with the grade 4/5s to start the introduction of this program then will slowly start to incorporate the whole school. It is so great to see all the students so excited for a great cause. I have attached the #teamseas video below for you to check it out. Starting Monday, students in grade 4/5 will start using the refundable bins and collecting refundable in our school to raise money.  

Video:#TEAMSEAS Video

For Remembrance Day, Room 7 and 8 put on a lovely assembly. Our class made same beautiful poppy artwork and talked about what the poppies represent and the history.

Important Dates:

Nov 11 - No School Remembrance Day

Nov 12 - No School PD Day

Nov 18 - Pattern Day


 Dear families,

Our school’s Scholastic Virtual Book Fair will begin next week! Our very own shopping site will be open from Monday, November 22nd – Sunday, November 28th

Experience the joy of a Book Fair online by joining us at our Virtual Family Event! Make your favourite snacks, and come together as a family to view the fun, exciting and inspiring titles. A link will be sent out on Monday the 22nd.

Share this link with Grandparents, too! Extended family can participate in the Virtual Book Fair from the comfort of home.

Remember, all purchases benefit our school and earn Rewards that can be redeemed for books and Education Resources for our school’s classrooms and library.

Thank you for participating in our

Scholastic Virtual Book Fair!

Happy reading! 

Monday, November 1, 2021

Jackdaw Project

 Hi Families,

This week we will be finishing up our Regions Jackdaw Projects. For this projects, students are creating/collecting artifacts that represent different geographical features of their region. They may bring artifacts from home or take pictures of them and email them to me. 

We will be collecting artifacts until Thursday then they can quarantine for 3 days their presentations. 

If you have any questions or concerns feel free to email me. 

Thank you!  

Movember starts TODAY!

November is movement month at LBS! We are encouraging students to be active throughout the winter with a movement challenge for move-ember :).


Students can keep track of their movement minutes from November 1-30. The class that earns the most movement minutes at the end of the month will earn a special reward! Please support your child in tracking their movement minutes. 

Room 16 will be provided a hard copy to track their movement minutes throughout the the month. Students will be bringing home their Movember tracking journal which will be collected every Monday of this month for tracking. 


Let’s encourage each other to be active and healthy! See the video for more information about our at school and at home challenges for the month.

Movember Video

Friday, October 22, 2021

October 22nd

 Hello Families!

We had a great week in Room 16! 

This week was Waste Reduction Week and as a class we explored textile waste and e-waste. We were all very engaged and very shocked about what we learned about how textiles and e-waste affect our planet and the health of people and animals. We identified the issues, the solutions, and brainstorms take action plans, so we can make a difference.

Today, we got to dismantle different items of e-waste and look at all the different part in different electronics. We found so many cool things and were even able to identify some of them and their functions. 

PJ day and Bring Your Own Tea Day was a success! We made it through the day with no spilling or burning and have some new found tea lovers! On Fridays, moving forward, we can bring our own tea. Making and hosting tea is connected to practical life Montessori practices and is a great skill to demonstrate grace, courtesy, and gratitude. 

We had some amazing weather on Thursday, so we played a class favourite, Capture the Pig/Chicken. It was so nice to get outside and enjoy the sunny weather. 

Pumpkin Carving
We thought we would take advantage of the dark morning and carve some pumpkins which is a fun introduction and way to learn about symmetry. We will be planning our pumpkins design on Monday and Tuesday will be carving our pumpkins. If you have any extra carving utensils, can you please send them on Monday and Tuesday. We will wash them and return them to you Tuesday after school. 

Have a wonderful weekend!

Important Dates:

October 29: Halloween @ LBS 


November 4: Mustache Day 

November 10: Remembrance Day at School 

November 11: Remembrance Day – no school 

November 12: Non-instructional Day 

November 25-26: School Conferences – more information to come 

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

PJ Day Reminder

Tomorrow is PJ Day!

Room 16 us also having BYOT (bring your own tea) as well. I will provide hot water and they can bring up to two teas for the day!

Reminder: students cannot bring stuffies, blankets or pillows to school


Tuesday, October 19, 2021

PJ and Bring Your Own Tea Day

 Hello Families,

On Thursday, October 21st our school is having PJ Day. 

Room 16, in addition, will be having a bring your own tea and mug (togo mugs WITH LIDS are preferred) day. Students can bring up to two tea bags to have tea throughout the day, I will provide the hot water. For students who do not like tea, bringing juice or a morning beverage is okay as well. 

Happy Tuesday!

Moveember @ LBS

November is movement month at LBS! We are encouraging students to be active throughout the winter with a movement challenge for move-ember :).


Students can keep track of their movement minutes from November 1-30. The class that earns the most movement minutes at the end of the month will earn a special reward! Please support your child in tracking their movement minutes either on Google Classroom or hardcopy (this will be specified by your child's teacher). 


Let’s encourage each other to be active and healthy! See the video for more information about our at school and at home challenges for the month.

Youtube Link: Moveember

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Happy Thanksgiving Weekend

Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving! 

Since the beginning of October, Room 16 has been adding to our gratitude pumpkin each day. At the end of each day we talk what we are all grateful for and it is overwhelming the amount of things everyone has to share. We are going to continue this for the whole month of October. 

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Happy Wednesday!

Hello Families!

Indigenous Learning

Over the past few week, we spent a lot of time discussing and leaning about the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. We read many books and poems, and had many discussions about what our Call to Action is and how we can support those who went to residential schools. As our Call to Action, Rooms 16 and 17, 'planted' hearts special messages in memory of the Indigenous people who were affected.  

Our classes created a basket with supplies for that other classes in LBS can continue to 'plant' hearts and show their support. 


We have been collecting research about a region of interest in Alberta or Canada. We have used different resources to collect information and jot noting key information down about geographic features and characteristics in our region.

Today, we found out that we will be using our notes to create a Jackdaw Project. Ask us about this and we will love to tell you? When we found out about it we were very excited to start this project!

Water Bottles 

Due to COVID protocols, we are unable to use our water fountains for drinking. They can be used as a filling station for water bottles though. Please ensure a small water bottle is sent with your child each day in case they are thirsty. 

Indoor Shoes

As the weather is starting to turn it is very important that students have a pair of indoor and outdoor shoes. Please make sure your child has both so we can keep out school clean.

Important Dates

Thursday, October 7 - ADmazing Savings due back at school

Friday, October 8 - PD Day (no school for students)

Monday, October 11 - No School 

Thursday, October 14 - Crazy Hair Day

Friday, October 18 - PD Day (no school for students)

Thursday, October 21 - PJ Day 

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

ADmazing Savings Coupon Books

ADmazing Savings Fundraiser is coming to an end. If you wish to take advantage of these discounts, please complete the order form printed on the back on the ADmazing envelope and enclose the correct amount of money - $25.00 per book ordered. - directly to your child’s classroom teacher by Thursday, October 7th, 2021.


Please ensure if you are returning the book that you have not scratched off the code area for the app, as the book will not be returnable if the code is visible. 

Thank you for your support!

LBS Teachers

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

No School Tomorrow


There is no school tomorrow for Truth and Reconciliation Day. 

There is school on Friday. 

Monday, September 27, 2021

Week 4

 Wow! That month flew by! 

On Wednesday we ran the Marathon of Hope for Terry Fox. 

In math, we have been working with graphs and working with different intervals on the graphs scale to more efficiently display our data. We will continue working with bar graphs and double bar graphs. 

We building our understanding of geographic features before diving into research for different natural regions within Alberta and Canada.

In gym, we have been working on our frisbee throwing and catching skills. It is amazing to see the growth in just a couple weeks. Our goal is to eventually be able to play ultimate frisbee. 


Important Dates:

Sept 28 - Picture Day

Sept 29 - Orange shirt day

Sept 30 - No School 

Fort & PJ Day

 Hi Families, Tomorrow is Fort and PJ Day for the Grade 4/5s. I just wanted to send out the expectations and what we talked about in class a...